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Makia - professional beauty studio Oslo
Dodane: 2015-09-23 Kategoria: Medycyna estetyczna / Salony Kosmetyczne

Makia is the best beauty studio where you can find your own beauty. A lot of women checked Makia and they were satisfied and glad about treatments like body and face care, eyelash extensions, professional massage or wax depilation called here voksing. Oslo is the city, where this beauty gabinet is working and has most customers. They are trust Makia because exaxctly here they can have amazing treatments, natural, safe and effective. Proffesional employees care about good atmosphere and high-quality of all services.

Rich offer of the Makia - Beauty salon.

Every woman can choose treatment the best for her, dedicated for her body or skin. In the rich offert they can find only natural and checked treatmens and services like body and face care, eyelash extensions, professional massage or wax depilation called here voksing. Oslo is a big city so it needs place like Makia - where women can spend time and care about their beauty. Makia can help them to find charm and glamour everyday.

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